A pretty fun version of Pac-Man. It is very unique in that you do not just eat all the dots and clear stages, you just get as high of a score as possible within the given time. I still like the original game a bit more than this, but this is still a great time

One of my personal favorite arcade games. This was one of the first games I have ever played. I can't even remember a time before I played Pac-Man to be honest. I have been playing this game for many years, although I still suck at the game.

A pretty fun, but very difficult run and gun title. I never thought the Star Wars galaxy was THIS dangerous...

This was actually the way I played Unleashed for the first time. This game is worse than the HD version in a few ways and is also better in a few ways. This version is missing a few levels and Empire City just does not exist entirely. I also do not like the point a click towns, it just is not the same feeling as travelling through a hub. I also feel like the levels that are here are weaker than their HD counterparts.
One thing this game does better than the HD version is the medal collecting. The final boss is also a better fight in this version of the game as well. The frame rate is more stable in this version as well.
Overall I think the HD version is a better game overall, but this is still a solid version of the game that I still think is worth playing.

This is one of my favorite Sonic games. The OST is easily my favorite in the series, which is saying a lot. This game also has my favorite story of any Sonic game. I love travelling around the world and seeing all the cool locations based on real world locations. The day time levels are a blast to play through and are easily the best parts of the game. The night time levels are also pretty fun, but they can go on for a bit too long sometimes.
The single worst part of this game is medal collecting, it is just such a hassle to have your progress halted because you need to find some medals in the levels. The final boss also is not great.

Pretty fun game, nothing too crazy or amazing but its a pretty fun game.

I mean, you build PCs. I played this while researching how to build a PC because it was free on Epic.

It is just such a stupid game, but its really funny for a bit. After playing the game for a while the novelty of being a goat does wear off but this game still has its moments as it knows that it is very stupid and revels in that fact.

I like this game a bit more than the first and its easy to have dumb fun on, especially with friends. It does get old pretty quick though.

I know its the point, but I hate the controls. The controls do not allow me to have fun with this game despite trying, although it can be pretty funny.

Probably my favorite platform fighter gameplay wise. I still like Smash Bros more but this game just feels so fluid and all the characters are unique and fun to play. This game is not a lesser Smash Bros, it is its own thing that does feel different to play. This game also has a great modding scene and it can be really funny. The campaign is pretty lackluster though.

Grinding the game. The grind in this game is an addicting and fun grind that you can lose many hours to with ease. This game is very relaxing and there is nothing more satisfying than buying a new island to see what will be on it.

A pretty good team shooter with a lot of charm. This is a very iconic game for a reason.

Pretty solid game. I came from TF2 so this game was a bit weird to me but it was interesting. I never really felt like playing it too much though but it is definitely a good game.

An amazing game filled with heart and charm. The characters and music are top notch, and the battle system is simple, but fun. This game is a special game that is definitely best to play as blind as possible.