Coming back to this game after 20 years is an odd experience. This is still a well made and put together game, but I won't lie, time hasn't been the kindest to this game. Primarily the controls in general for this title are pretty crusty and janky. There's a sizeable amount of delay with inputs that you can feel it. There are also multiple minigame and vehicle segments of the game that can be very overly sensitive in its controls. These dont really pose much of a problem during most of the game, but all of this might become a bit frustrating omce you arrive in aspects of the end. While it doesn't take too long to acclimate to it, I don't begrudge someone who doesn't necessarily have nostalgia for this series playing this and struggling for their first hour of playtime. That being said, this is still a very enjoyable and fun game. Graphics pop really well and look very nice for an early PS2 title. Music is upbeat and snappy, and worlds are fun and varied, even if each of them have their fair share of annoying challenges. Nothing is too hard, so I recommend going for 100%. It's very straightforward and really doesn't take all that much longer than it would just beating the game to standard credits. At the end of the day this is a very charming start to a series that will immediately give you tone whiplash as it struggles to constantly find a new identity for itself.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024

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