Unfortunately overrated, yet still worth playing once.
I got my hopes too high, but is that really my fault when this game has won the most awards for a video game EVER?
This isn't the behemoth that the larger gaming zeitgeist says it is. However it is still a very well polished horror themed action game, with lite survival elements, and a larger narrative focus than most games.
Nothing particularly original is in this game, but has many great recreations of familiar mechanics from some of the best games in the genre.
It feels like resident evil 4 and the Uncharted series had a baby that took itself very seriously and was obsessed with quick time events and cutscenes.
My biggest enjoyment is easily the combat and accessibility options. The levels usually consist of multiple mini battle arenas that you follow in a linear path. Yet due to the player having a well balanced amount of combat choices, on top of traversal options, it makes each battle arena feel more like a little sandbox, that can play out differently every time and much less linear. The accessibility options make this even better, with TLOU series offering much more settings to tweak combat and survival settings, compared to other games in the genre.
Back to the beginning of this review though. Really look it up yourself, this game has won more awards than any other game. Why? Well I'm pretty sure it's due to it's narrative, which has themes about trust, self preservation, and purpose. More specifically how the developers were able to weave that narrative into the gameplay, is what is often found to be so impressive.
It is incredibly hard for me to explain my biggest gripe with this game, which is it's story, especially because I like the themes and Joel and Elli as characters.
I'll split it my issue into two sections: firstly the pacing

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
