how the hell did this catch peoples attention

If you don't know anything about Adventure Time I don't think I'd recommend this game at all, as it doesn't offer much for world building or give enough time to flesh out the characters.

That being said I enjoyed my time with this game, but in most cases even if you're an Adventure Time fan, I don't know if this game is significant enough to warrant your time.

Conceptually this game sounds awesome, a small island based open world game in the Land of Ooo, with large team turn based combat.

I have considered myself NOT a fan of most turn based combat for the last few years, but even for how shallow it is, I owe this game for getting me back into turn based strategy games.
I was upset with how short this game was so I got South Park: The Stick of Truth, which I'm glad about.

It really is a shame that this is considered a 2.7/5 on average at time of my review.

After 3 games this is a nice change of pace and even though it plays quite different compared to the OG trilogy, it really shows how good an versatile the infrastructure of Gears game design can be.

I love the embracement of shorter levels with more specific gameplay elements being focused on during each level. It gives room for gimmicky things like a melee only level without forcing it on you for too long, and it doesn't even force it, it's entirely optional to play the specific gimmick of each level.

The star system just makes me want to replay all the levels I only got 2 stars on and with how good gears game are at rewarding your progress with cosmetics and achievements, I really do feel incentivized to keep playing!

The side modes are fun and I like inclusion of the brand new survival/overrun mode. Overrun reals like left for dead verse mode in the best way possible.

The story wasn't anything to brag about but it was nice insight into the characters and seeing things around E-Day, but its made up for with the new changes, weapons, and enemies!

glad to be the first to review. I played this on the 360 after buying it from the indie store! Fun little rhythm game, but doesnt have much depth or a skill ceiling

this was addicting to me for some reason when i was in middle school, so i gotta give it an extra point

im sad i never go to play this game

only so low because its so short

this is all made by one dude, i love it but it is rather simple, the beta for the second one is so fucking awesome tho

lots of good ideas but shitty mobile tropes

one of the few games where i have to say nostalgia is a heavy factor

i am an addict for bloon games. i cant let my self play anymore