This game satisfied my need to socialize with my partner the same way a cheese sandwich would satisfy my need for sustenance - it does its job. In no way is it praiseworthy but also doesn't leave a bad taste. Worth it's price, better than watching another rom-com

Cheese sandwich/ 10

- Great environmental storytelling and immersion into the Harry Potter universe, exploring the castle, going to classes, and uncovering Hogwarts secrets
- Combat and animations flow amazingly well and really bring home the power behind the spells
- Gameplay outside of the castle grounds can get a little repetitive

An extremely well-polished world with lots of lore and detail, great for existing HP fans - 4.5/ 5 Great game, would highly recommend

- Amazing environments and graphics make you relive the fantasy of playing with Hot Wheels as a kid
- While cars do feel different from each other their stats are trivial as AI completely ignores these
- Balancing and AI make this game unnecessarily difficult. AI cars with the lowest top speed fly past you on the straights while any error on your side eliminates you from coming first

Beautiful game but be warned that this game is not an easy arcade racer, there I have to give this as 2/5 - Enjoyable but be warned