Pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this game. I thought initially it would be a 6-7/10 but I was genuinely shocked to see how well it holds up today. There are some issues with the controls (dodges at times are kinda ass and there is a bit too much use of slow-mo during combat) but it was never enough for me to really mind it too much. The combat in this game is really fun, and using light in creative ways to kill opponents was really fun from the start of the game till the end. The story too is also quite ambitious and while it isn't perfect I'd say that Remedy did a good job at executing the main direction it wanted to achieve with Alan wake. There are specific plot twists that happen in the game which initially I didn't like too much but as I endeared with the game till the very end I eventually at some point came around to them and enjoyed the ride. Overall for how much this game costs now and how long the game is (10-11 hours) I'd say it's 100% worth getting for its quality, especially if its on sale like it often is for crazy low prices.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
