This game is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly good for a soulslike not made by fromsoftware. Normally games like that dont really interest me as I find that fromsoftware soulslikes have a certain vibe and atmosphere that is unmatched compared to other games that take inspiration from that. While Lies of P I wouldn't say matches that fromsoftware level of charm that sets their games above other soulslikes and more broadly action rpgs in general, it comes damn near close and this game has got to be the most underrated and underappreciated games that came out last year for that reason alone.
The combat is this game is amazing and very unique compared to other soulslikes. Parrying in this game feels godly and while I slightly prefer the crunchy deflects of sekiro and the awesome gun parry's of bloodborne, watching an enemy's weapon fucking break after parrying it enough times makes me feel like an actual god. The dodging in this game while it can be a little bit janky at times does definitely get the job done and I really like the feel of it as imo at least it aims to improve on the lock on dash and lock off roll mechanics of bloodborne, and I do think it succeeds in the fact that dashing in bloodborne has a 50/50 chance to actually give me a reasonable amount of iframes compared to this game which I found to be wayyyy more reliable.
The bosses in this game can be a bit hit and miss, and the one on one humanoid fights are laughably easy compared to literally every other boss, maybe except for the giant puppets. But I generally think that the bigger enemy boss fights in this game are executed almost flawlessly, especially the one at the halfway point of the game.
I also liked fighting enemies in this game a lot. Their designs are very unique and I found that mixing together different elements on specific enemies, such as bolt damage on puppets to be a very fun and rewarding experience as I could eventually by the enemy design alone see what specific enemies were elementally weak to.
Overall if you're like me and have hesitated to branch out into other soulslikes made by people outside of fromsoftware, Lies of P is definitely a good starting point and I genuinely believe that it matches the quality of fromsoftware soulslikes and even in some aspects succeeds them, especially if you want a game that has a similar experience to bloodborne and sekiro.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2024
