The most disappointing game of all time


Really rubbish on Xbox when it released

People hate this game but I remember loving it as a child. I was probably stupid

I got stuck on a big paper float fight

Top 3 game of all time, honestly the best shooter ever

The absolute peak of mobile games I seriously can’t think of another one as good as it

One of the best shooters of all time only behind black ops 3 and one other and probably battlefront 2

Still never completed the last level even though I first played in 2017

Had a great time playing with my brother

I think this was just made at the wrong time, I really enjoyed the multiplayer and got into the zombies fairly recently probs a top 5 cod

Multiplayer ☹️🙁😟🙂 … zombies 😖😩😩😡😲😄😁

Probably one of the best phone games I’ve played

Defo the worst one I feel like it means nothing