Oh my god I love this game, it’s so good

I replayed the game for a 100% playthrough on New Game Plus. I do agree that the game does have its flaws and Pros that you could probably see through with a YouTube video and I did have frustrating moments… but at the end of the day, I enjoyed this experience a lot more than a few games that I’ve played. This game is one of my favorites and I’ll hold it to heart forever.

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Edelgard Route: In my opinion, Three Houses is pretty good for Fire Emblem. I had a good time. I don’t really like how you keep going to the monastery near the end of the game cuz there’s not much to do there anymore once you got the rhythm. I also didn’t like how you couldn’t romance Edelgard until the very end of the game; I wanted to get some (legal) Edelgussy somewhere past the time skip. Also, this may have been on my end, but I didn’t think the ending was just beating Rhea and ending the war. Fire Emblem games have about 20ish chapter (except Genealogy) so when I beat Rhea I was like damn how are we going to get into Byleth’s past we’re on chapter 17 they’re gonna rush some things. Then the game ends. I was so confused that the game just ended on me, I thought romancing Edelgard and ending the war was merely just a small plot point and they’ll add more to the end but no, game just finished. Idk if I’m gonna play the other routes, I got kinda tired with the game since I couldn’t give Edelgard all my possessions and love so 8/10 it was a good time.

Kafka is the sole reason why I still play this game she is so hot it’s unbelievable

I have issues and this game is the source. I don’t even put time into it, it’s just kind of a stain that’s on my life. I got Ayaka though, so that’s a W for me.


I refunded it but not gonna lie I’m still curious. Maybe I do have issues

Now this is a certified Touhou classic

It’s such a great and fun game. It’s also not too bad for a 100% so give it a go!!

The games last battle gave me chills down my spine. It’s actually such a great game

It’s genuinely one of the funnest 16 or so hours I’ve spent playing video games, it’s just good ol’ fashioned JRPG