Look, this is my first modern Fire Emblem game so there is some bias to my fondness for this game. The modern additions to this game are great, though I'm sure many of those features are not so new to this franchise.

As someone familiar with a lot of the older heroes of Fire Emblem, I really enjoyed the summoning/ring system this game features. There are a few duds in terms of ability and I wish there was one more to make late game roster full of ringed units but these complaints are quite minor.

The tried and true gameplay of this franchise is still here and still quite good. If you aren't a fan of that tactical/rock-paper-scissor style gameplay, this won't change your mind in that department.

Story wise, it's what you'd expect. It's a little weak and the overall characters aren't the most interesting. When you have so many characters though and summons, there are good characters but you've got SO MANY that they all start to feel like generic sword person #10 at times with ones that you might not be using as much, if ever.

If you like these games, it's a solid entry in the franchise. If you're not high on these games though, I don't think this is going to do anything to change your mind, especially with a weaker story.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
