basically imagine kart racing but you get to make your own tracks and it has my man sackboy

glitches??? performance issues??? nah, i love lbp3

i wish more kart racers had stuff like the all star moves

not as good as the first one but still really fun

honestly not as good as the sega all stars games but hey at least they tried

it certainly is a tennis game with sega superstars

yeah no this game is boring

but at least it has good music

i love this game and i will whip it out whenever i’m bored

behemoth’s best game and that’s saying something since all of their games are goated

i buckle my pants every time i play this

jerma and el chavo can duke it out in this game 10/10

galactus is literally a difficulty curb

although it is a good game i feel like bringing unlockable characters back from the first street fighter 4 would be awesome