I loved BOTW, but this hit me on an entirely different level.
It is very similar to BOTW, as in 80% of the systems and logic of that game is transferred here.
But overall, the narrative is much richer, the shrines are definitely more fun (cept for labyrinth ones, I hate those everywhere), and the new gameplay mechanics are super fun.
It is really like gmod+besiege and I love both of those, so the whole mix was an explosion of fun for me.
The final boss was so much better than BOTW imo, and the way the story closed left me very satisfied.
Another thing I want to mention is the polish of the game. I don’t remember a single game in the last 10 years that was this polished. EVERYTHING WORKS. I know it might sound stupid, but in the modern gaming landscape it is a thing to be praised. I encountered pretty much 0 bugs from start to finish, except for some performance issues, but we all know the drill, old mobile chip from 2016.
Anyway, what a great journey, can’t wait for the inevitable DLC to add master mode to this lol.

Reviewed on May 14, 2023
