This game didn't grab me the first time I played it. I set it down for a couple years, and then picked it back up when I started digging more into boomer shooters. I'm glad I did - once you get familiar with the enemies, I think that this is a really rewarding experience. I think the way it's billed is somewhat misleading, though, which has hurt its image overall. The "roguelike" aspect of it comes into play most for me as I learned how best to deal with the different enemy types encountered in the game, and which enemies I needed to prioritize when entering new areas. Once I got comfortable with general layouts and enemy attack patterns, the flow of the game felt quite good and natural. I was able to eke out wins with each weapon type, and I'm not an FPS expert by any means. There are improvements that can be made if the team decided to put out another offering like this, but overall I enjoyed it, and it's definitely worth picking up when on sale if you enjoy retro FPSes.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2023
