Pokémon Scarlet and Violet aren't bad games... But they aren't good, either.

- Open World, which fans have asked for for years
- most of the new Pokémon and character designs are great
- the story is much better than anything the main line games have delivered after Generation 5
- there's character development and at least I cared more about the characters than in any previous main line game
- moving around on your Raidon is fun (except for the technical difficulties, see below)
- good soundtrack, dynamic music
- Paradox-Pokémon are a neat addition

- bad performance, especially in certain areas, with lots of models on screen or during weather effects, the frame rate drops incredibly low, now Pokémon has never been known for its high technical qualities, but what GF delivered here should have never gotten a pass
- the game occassionally just crashes randomly
- the models have gotten much better, but battle animations are even more stiff and boring, especially when you can't change the camera mode, because of the terrain
- the school uniform heavily restricts character customization
- the interface is a mess and clunky to handle, despite visible efforts
- lots of bugs... I mean "features", even more than a year after release and multiple patches
- barely any post game content (no battle facility at all, nothing to do in PvE and online matches are usually dominated by the same Mons over and over again)
- still no difficulty options, you can overlevel easily

I can't recommend these games to anyone who isn't a die hard Pokémon fan. While I personally still had fun playing these games, not everyone can be so forgiving.

It's a Mario game!
This game was quite easy to get into even for someone as bad at 2D side scrollers like me. I had some fun ~2 hours with this. It's nothing big, mind you, but still a good game considering when it was first released.