(Small edit to congratulate you all for the translation! You can now play this game, give it a try!)
I'm not sure I this is a good game per se. I had to watch a manually translated gameplay and it looks kind of crazy and nonsensical, much like Re:Kinder, Parun's most popular game. The colors are extremely saturated and it is hard to follow the plot sometimes. I think that's kinda the point, though. It is as messy as its main character, and there is a good reason for it. Parun did a really good job at portraying the consequences of abuse and neglect.

There is one thing I can say for sure, though. This game was so personal it hurts. Not sure if it was a vent project, but Parun's whole heart was put into it and it shows. The depictions of homophobia and internal struggles are way too pure and real. They are confusing, like a fever dream. They feel weird, but somehow really natural. I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet this game.

So many unexplored dynamics and story because of time cuts... The dev, however, managed to unfold a really interesting, strong character that kept the plot going. Nice art, easy to play, amazing OST, little time for worldbuilding but it was more than enough to tie the story together. Can't thank Puchi enough for making games about adult, sarcastic women, not very common in RPGMs of the sort.

I'd say the concept can hit really close to home to some people. The ending and the concept itself feel somewhat rushed. But much like Eloquent Countenance, such a short game is worth a try thanks to the cast! It's full of wonderful CGs, the jokes are fitting, and the imagery is really worth exploring... I hope the author tells us more about them!

The main characters make this game worth a try. The eerie vibes are really well done and the concept is pretty interesting. The 2.5D is promising as well! This game was made in less than 20 days so I can't complain at all, it's a very nice RPGM full of humor, offering a fresh view on angels as we know them in fiction. The only downside is the game being so short, not exploring the themes, concepts and characters further...


The artstyle and the characters are definitely amazing. It's a breath of fresh air to finally play a RPGM starring adults (and LGBT friendly, by the way.) The aesthetic and the plot are also really interesting! Gotta wait for the second installment before writing a final review, but it felt rushed and unfinished in many points... The message is correctly delivered more or less, but it's all fuzzy at the same time. I'm glad the author managed to express themselves in this game, though, and I hope they take care!


(Just a small edit to say I happened to enjoy the game a little more after making it to the true endings good for them)
Okay, so... Pretty sure the wacky translation has a lot to do with the overall experience, but this game was somewhat average for me. Before starting, I gotta say many people is in love with this game, so don't take my opinion too personally because I'm probably in the wrong.

I love RPGMs with all my heart, but this one felt... dull, so to speak. It's like your local intended horror RPGM, but the horror part does not deliver well. Even though the different floors and the vibes suit the themes perfectly, and even though there's a lot of effort and care put in CGs and sprites and such... the gameplay still feels empty and wacky to me. Same goes for the main plot points- as if it was forced and didn't make too much sense in the end. To put it simply and making this review spoiler-free, I feel like making the "two different states" as separate scenarios, not actually influencing the other, spoils the whole thing a lot. Their personalities seem slightly artificial because of that.
Puzzles are cool, though, and the exploration part matters a lot in order to get different endings, specially the ones actually telling you what's the game about.

I think I'm saying too many undeserved bad things about this game, but I'd say it's really enjoyable, so please try it! Let's wait for other games from the same author as well, they look sick!

This is just a rushed log! Might be because I was too late and I can't help comparing it to recent RPGMs... But considering the popularity, I was expecting an overly darker game, maybe? I think the few horror elements/scenes were nicely done. The gameplay is minimal and easy just like many other games of the sort too, so of course is pretty story-driven. The art is on point! Gotta say the narrative was kind of slow and felt empty or not very catchy until half of the game... It's also slightly hard to follow when there are so many minor characters, which make the game funnier but don't help with the worldbuilding too much. I'm sure fans enjoyed all the cameos, that's for sure!

A very short but cute game. I honestly laughed a few times, their dynamic is actually funny... The only issue is the game being this short, in fact, and the lack of actual gameplay. There's a second episode coming out soon, apparently. Fingers crossed.

I will come back and edit my review once the full game is released, but... So far, I'm loving it a lot! I think it does a good job at making you feel intrigued about the characters. The humor is subtle but lovely, and I'm really looking forward for the full plot to unfold. It seems you can pick your main character and therefore your route with its own abilities to use, enriching the gameplay quite a lot in my opinion... I'm missing some more eerie vibes in the darkest scenes, but it's still nicely done, made with a lot of care!

Has one of the most cute artstyles and palettes I've ever found on RPGMs. Unfortunately, the pacing is unbearably low and the the steps to get the true ending are everything but intuitive.
The idea was SO good, but the story keeps it really simple. If some more imagery and gameplay were put into the game, it could have been a very nice game.

So this truly was the end of a peaceful dream... Can't say I played it myself because all we have is a manually translated playthrough. But I gotta say, as a RPGM sucker, this is one of the most complete games of the genre I have tried so far. More than a RPGM, it feels like a classic old RPG with some PS1-horror elements, if you will.

There is A LOT of lore to connect and explore, symbology and references are at their peak, there is actual gameplay, and there are some really original and efficient uses of ingame material to leave clues and portray emotions. Up to date, some fans are still finding small hints they did not notice before. And I am just talking about the first installment, because we still have the DLC, Interlude and Cell of Mirage left. And it makes around maybe 60 hours of gameplay. And that's A LOT for a RPGM game.

On the other hand, the pacing is not always smooth and it relies on a few... well, classic anime tropes, and too much text (much like this review...). But that doesn't make it less interesting. In fact, I'd say the plot unfolds at a slow speed, throwing facts and flashbacks here and there... In terms of narrative, it has plenty of small but powerful moves, in my opinion at least. I also appreciate the small changes depending on the choices you make and the information you collect.

I hope you all enjoy CoE and I wish you all a very nice calling Hajime A Star experience. And if you want to give it a try, make sure to take notes. Lots of notes. Check then info about the Divine Comedy, and connect the dots in DLC and Interlude!

If you're not the type to focus on exploring and enjoying evocative, emotional scenarios, this game will be boring for sure. If you are, then give it a shot. I have to admit the pacing is slow and it looks simple or stiff at times. The battle system can be a pain to deal with. Having to arrange your bag to fit items by size is interesting, though. As much as hearing your companion's advice through your Wii Controller, a sweet detail as well.

Much like Rule of Rose, I feel this would have been a game of a kind if the gameplay was not so tiring. The wordlbuilding is not too complex but it is compelling, bitersweet, and has this nostalgic, sad feeling sticking to you all the time. The visuals, music and color palettes help a lot!

I don't think I'm doing a good job recommending this game, but know it's worth a try, specially because of the emotional side. Gotta admit nostalgia may be playing a part in my opinion, so I'm trying to be as objective as possible. t's a pity it's so underrated...

This game deserved to be longer. The Hello Charlotte vibes show, but it has its personal, lovely touch with collages and different palettes. While the gameplay and interactions are minimal, the art is georgeous. A nice game considering it was made in just 6 days... I hope we can learn more of its worldbuilding at some point!

I was looking forward to find some more uncanny elements in earlier stages of the game, but the suspense was build up pretty nicely! The artstyle, music and sound effects are great and the gameplay is not difficult. Not even for those cough who are not used to restaurant simulators. I can't recall many surreal/horror RPG(M)s being tycoon games, and this specific setting is perfect to make you feel under pressure from beginning to end.

The author is really good at telling short stories and making them more engaging with comedic relief. I strongly believe the stories Rachel conveys deserve to be longer- there is barely any time to explain the setting or the worldbuilding. There is no big development, so there is no big attachment to the story. Again, it's impressive to see how much you can tell in just one hour of gameplay... Have fun!

Having followed their development since 2019, I can say for sure authors have been putting so much love in this project and their fans.

The visuals are lovely even for a VN. The way images move as the story is told is great, and it makes up a little for the lack of gameplay, as the format is always changing and moving. The amount of art you'll see is huge, and it's really well optimized for Switch. The OST has just a few songs, but they fit the setting quite well and they're not repetitive.

It's more like a story where you press a key whenever you want rather than a game. I miss branch options or some ways to interact or interfere with the story. It'd be amazing to engage with the characters a little more.
The pacing is... somewhat strange sometimes, and hints too abstract or unconnected. It feels as if things happen conveniently with no actual narrative thread. Not that it can't be a really enjoyable experience, though! Take this review with a grain of salt.

I'd say this VN appeals to a very specific target. If you're fine with VNs full of relatable quotes and not taking themselves seriously, give it a shot. If the artstyle is enough to get you interested, go for it. If you're a VN expert, this game might be kind of a rough experience.