To preface this I quit around 11 hours so maybe it gets better but I doubt it

As I decide to drop this game forever
It is a page of my youth I am closing as well. And I cannot state how sad and disappointed I am

I grew up with the fan translation of the game and became obsessed with it for the sole reason of the class evolution system.
But it ended up being a mid-ish game with interesting things, that ended up being way too streamlined and linear, with no real player involvement regarding character progression.
It is a childish story that does not take itself seriously at all and not in a good sarcastic way.

The combat is just button mashing with some different combos that all have different "effects" like one knockbacks etc. But all characters have the same combo effects so it's just a reskin with different hitboxes
Gear progression here is a gaming trope I want to be eradicated
When you HAVE to buy the new shiny gear at the next town or else your damage output and defense fall behind where you're currently at in the story, just because it just the same sword with better stats, and you have ONE weapon option per character, no variations whatsoever that could push you into thinking more about your build, why even have an equipment system in the end?
Just have a weapon and emphasize upgrading it by killing stuff, instead of making us pay extra for shit weapons that just have better stats

Character progression is linear, streamlined, boring
I did not feel rewarded for my decisions, abilities weren't interesting. I CAN NOT STAND the fact that Duran, Angela, and Charlotte can get the same stupid saber magic spells with no variations

I would recommend it if you do not want to overthink but I think you'll get bored even playing that way so just play something else

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2023
