"A Frustratingly Awful First Entry To An Otherwise Solid Series"

Sniper Elite is not a good game. Its not even close to being a decent one. Its a game that lays the groundwork down for a great sniping game, but fails to create an interesting plot, level structure, or satisfying gunplay. Add in aged graphics within a shoddy Steam version of the game, and you have a truly awful experience.

I didn't stick with this game for a particularly long time, but from what I gathered, there isn't really a cohesive plot. You're just some sniper who is behind enemy lines during WWII. Yay. After this abysmal introduction to the game, you are placed within a weak tutorial section that introduces one of the many awful objectives within the game.

One thing to note: the game world functions as semi-open, so you are never forced down a particular path. This would be great as long as the game directs you on where and what to do in a semi-coherent and interesting manner . . . in which it does not! The only sense of direction a player can attain is by using a crummy map or by glancing at an unreliable and uninteresting compass.

The graphics and art design are both very plain, with many browns and grays thrown into the mix. Characters are polygonal and have generic details for their designs. The sound is very chaotic with booming highs, near-silent lows, and a frustrating mix of all sounds in between.

The gunplay is, at its core, what fans of the Sniper Elite enjoy, but in a very scaled-down and basic format. Aim, hold breath, shoot, rinse, repeat. The mouse acceleration being so high makes gunplay feel like trash, and the lack of great damage feedback makes kills very unsatisfying. The penetration / X-Ray system was not really implemented yet in this title, so its very barebones at this point in the series.

Objectives are where the game truly fails at creativity. The first few objectives involved moving from Point A to Point B, escorting a NPC from Point A to Point B, and carrying a hostage from Point A to Point B. it very linearly designed and super restrictive, something that serves as a killing blow to any potential enjoyment this game could have served to a player.

Overall, Sniper Elite is a dud. I'm very happy the gameplay was redesigned in a more intuitive, creative, and enjoyable experience for the sequels, but the first title was a flavorless mess of a game. I would Not Recommend for anyone to really check this one out - it has nothing to offer, and you may as well spend your time with one of the better-designed sequels.

Final Verdict: 1/10 (Terrible)

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2021
