"An Awful Game With A Terribly Controlled Gameplay Gimmick"

Oh this one is going to be short and to the point! I had never heard of this game ever before, and I checked out some of the reviews before I dove into it. A lot of them talked about bugs, glitches, and most definitely, its horrible controls. I figured I would give this one a shot...boy were those other reviews correct!

The game has a capped sensitivity of 2000 DPI, which means every mouse rotation for battle is going to feel super awkward. For some reason, slow and clunky combat is the developers' idea of "fun"! The graphics were also atrocious at fullscreen resolution and only looked semi-clear during windowed mode, something that any modern day title should be ashamed of!

The story (from what I encountered) was nonsensical, generic garbage about some group "starting a kingdom" and "becoming oppressive". This game needed much more work on its awful control scheme rather than some half**ed story shoved into it!

Oh god the controls...This game focuses on mouse only gameplay, involving the player swinging their mouse around like a god*
* animal. The sensitivity is way too low, even on the highest setting, and the game constantly forces the mouse inputs to recenter and SLOW DOWN every few seconds. It makes combat unbearable, and levels that require precise strikes and movements become some of the worst moments of gameplay I have encountered in a very, VERY long time.

Don't even bother trying this game. The UI is atrocious, there are only nonsensical settings that don't actually help with gameplay, and the controls feel terrible. This is just garbage tier indie trash that should be thrown into the bin with the rest of the same *
** overflowing throughout Steam. A complete and total Not Recommend from me. Not in any world, to any person, at any time.

Final Verdict: 1/10 (Terrible)

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2021
