"A Walking Simulator That Makes You Find The Meaning...Which Doesn't Make It Any Good"

This "experiment" was outright boring to me. I went in expecting a game that would form a commentary, a narrative, really any semblance of a story, and instead found a title that relishes in being an "interpretive" piece. However, I don't really know what there is to interpret. The themes of "depression" and "anxiety" are extremely surface level, and give no insight into the life of the creator (this is coming from someone who suffers from symptoms of both of these conditions).

The game felt amateurish, tacked together, and simplistic. The voice acting wasn't very well done, and I get the sense that he was trying to go for a tone similar to The Stanley Parable , but with much less charm and creativity in the writing. The graphics were washed out, level designs felt pointless and empty, and the lack of any detail into the creator's background made the payoff completely underwhelming. There really isn't much here honestly. I wouldn't even give it a pass due to it being free, since the experience relies so much on what the "player wants" rather than any presentation from the developer themselves.

I would Not Recommend this game (which is barely a game to me). It uses themes of depression and anxiety in surface level, non-descriptive ways. It gives the absolute barebones framework for a game. The creator put it pretty simply at the end of this title - "This game might not even have meaning". I would go ahead and agree with that statement.

Final Verdict: 1/10 (Terrible)

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2021
