'Why Do I Put Myself Through This: "Sakura Fantasy Chapter 1" Edition'

You know, after a while, these games all start to blend together into one total mess. The stories are never good, the art is always disappointing and bland, and they all follows similar story arcs/tropes.

In this title, you play as a novice knight or something. I made it through about 45 minutes of pure nonsense dialogue before I decided to skip to the end just so I could see some sweet, sweet "art". Thankfully, there was an uncensored patch, and I got to see so many floobies and blums everywhere...and they were all boring as well. As a straight male, a h-game has to really WORK to keep me disinterested in those aspects.

Will Not Recommend this game. Nothing really happens within it, and it proved to me yet again that these games are sold firstly for the "art" (in order to support the developers or something like that), and then for the unremarkable and trash stories. Please don't buy these games...

Final Verdict: 2/10 (Bad)

Reviewed on Sep 13, 2021
