"A Neat Expansion on the Dying Light Formula"

Dying Light: The Following was a pretty solid expansion to play through in terms of gameplay. While there is much less emphasis on the free-running this time around, there is the ability to use a buggy to drive around in a new open countryside environment. However, many flaws I saw with the main game were essentially carried over into this expansion, which is disappointing considering the amount of time between the release of the base game and The Following .

The story here once again is nothing to write home about, and in many ways messes up the continuity from the base game (although that story was pretty trash to begin with). Additionally, the side content here is slightly better, but still involves a lot of driving around and completing fetch quests for NPC's. The gameplay hasn't changed too much besides the addition of the buggy and crossbow weapon, so you will basically get a bunch of quests and a new story to experience with this release without the core gameplay being messed up.

Overall, I think this expansion is fine. I think Techland dropped the ball and missed the opportunity to add in additional content, polish up the quest types, and give a fulfilling end to the story of Kyle Crane. Instead, this expansion only serves as a large playground to continue bashing zombie heads in. I would still Recommend this expansion to fans of the base game, who were hoping for a larger environment to play around in.

Final Verdict: 7/10 (Good)

Reviewed on Sep 14, 2021
