i honestly don't know what to say.
gameplay was superb, but pretty much everything else tries so hard to be nocturne or it just sucks
characters suck
endings suck

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2021


2 years ago

Gameplay superb, exploration superb and music superb. That makes it great

2 years ago

It's a videogame, not a movie. That statement is completely correct because stories aren't what fully make up a game.
eh depends on the game actually, NieR is great just because of the story/characters and music
Going to quote marsh here "story does matter in smt games, I don't see anything wrong with expecting a decent narrative from a series that prides itself on representing world mythology"

2 years ago

Ok but then there's nocturne and 4 which both have pretty terrible stories but are well loved anyways
I think iv is debatable. Nocturne's story is barley a thing but l feel like isamu chiaki and hikawa felt more like actual character then v's and l enjoyed v a lot

2 years ago

I never understood marsh's take considering the older games had some pretty barebones stories with characters that have been essentially acted the same as their alignment lets them other than SMT II probably and the only good thing being that they were really interesting concepts and themes behind it. IV's story is just a retread of 1 and Nocturne's story had a lot more going for it with characters that were actually pretty interesting compared to V.
Smt 2 has quite a full story honestly especially if you do all the paths its why its my favorite mainline despite its dated mechanics l also played the gba version which makes the gameplay way more fun

2 years ago

I think SMT II is the only ideal example I can see but it was just so boring in terms of gameplay and backtracking that it just bogged down the experience for me. I figured the GBA version wasn't translated so I played the SNES version of II.
Yea it isn't its a huge improvement from the snes version especially because the translation gave it a lot of bugs l do know japanese which helped lt would be nice for it to be translated one day since l think its the definitive version
eh in V's case, the gameplay and exploration was so much fun, most people didn't care it had a lackluster story

2 years ago

"most people" i mean i heard A LOT of people complaining about that huh
yes a lot of people complained, most did...but it wasn't enough for them to think it was anything worse than a great game

2 years ago

never played so i assume whatever comment's opinions are to judge the fundmetntials of a game