12 reviews liked by TorielPadme



My one and only 1 star video game and WOWIE it deserves it. This is the perfect example of why I hate when a game priorities realism over fun, because then you get this game where the core gameplay just isn't fun to execute because SPOILERS, real life isn't designed to be fun like a video game should be. Even if you play with a good group of players with good game knowledge, you end up just dying randomly after waiting to push for 10 actual minutes only to respawn and repeat for almost an hour before your team either loses or wins. It's just a whole lot of not fun gameplay.

The only fun I had in this game was trying to fly a helicopter. It's like driving a car, but the breaks don't work and the steering wheel also doesn't work right and the whole thing is on fire and its got bombs strapped to all 4 doors, set to explode once you breathe too deeply and its actually nothing like driving a car, its actually just hell.

The helicopter was some good fun tho for 10 minutes if you don't take it seriously, I can't deny that.



Not recommending this based on my own opinions. Overall the game isn't kind to new players ( I thought ) and chucks you into the deep end, It's multiplayer only and majority of people are really serious about it. Quite a niche game and I feel very few would enjoy it. Graphics are good, Voice in game works well and Gameplay seems pretty smooth though. Reminds me of a more strategical Arma game



in complete contrast to hell let loose, this game sometimes has way more communication than it needs, specially from mfs who think they're in the military instead of a game

that said im a fan of being verbally abused by frustrated 40 year olds pretending to be war generals



The immersion levels on this bitch are so intense and epic mode, firefights feel hectic and dangerous, the adrenaline rushes and funny moments with the voice chat, make this game such a blast... at times.

The downside is that this game is not very user friendly and getting into a server that is decent, with all your friends to then be in an engaging squad that doesn't take everything too seriously, is a rarity. Also, these games last like 2 HOURS SOMETIMES! Ain't nobody got time for dat.

But yeah, fun for what it is, had some great times. Just a bit meandering and time consuming when it wants to be.

This game is incredibly boring. I understand the appeal and its pretty fun with mods, but the base game is so fucking slow and boring.

if i ask how to play a game and you send me a video with "part 1" in the title i'm not playing it i'm sorry