Log Status






Time Played

12h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 25, 2021

Platforms Played


The strengths of this game are hampered by the 3DS' specs, namely the 30fps and 240p resolution which not just affected my enjoyment of the game, but also my ability at playing it.

The difficulty of the game aside from the consequences of the technical limitations was also far too trial & error and punishing for my taste towards the end. I made it to World 8, the volcano world, before deciding to drop the game. They really needed to dial back the amount of mine cart and rocket barrel levels.

The music wasn't good enough to have kept me playing, due not just to the lack of David Wise, but also because even the DKC1 remixes sounded uninspired rather than charming and nostalgic.

This didn't scratch the itch that Tropical Freeze left me with, though I can't say I regret having played it.