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A brilliant game, but one I'm very much in two minds about. The lore is an utter mess, however, and some of the call backs feel incredibly cheap. The last boss is also a bit of a wet fart. Don't get me wrong! The dude is fun to fight, sure...but garned absolutely no narrative weight or emotion from me.

Although feeling like Miyazaki didn't really want to revisit this series, Dark Soul 3 still stands as one of the best releases (if not THE best release) of 2016. The level design is incredible, with the Undead Village being one of my all time favourite areas to play through. It also boasts the most consistent boss fights in the trilogy, and arguably the best combat in the Dark Souls series.

I guess it really comes down to how much weight you put on narrative and character quests with these games. It's easily the worst in the bunch for those elements, but the gameplay is chef's kiss.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2024
