Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 8, 2024

First played

March 5, 2024

Platforms Played


Is this a great game? No.

Is it a good game? Probably also no.

But it’s a better game than it really deserves to be; a movie tie-in on a platform that had been superceded. There are some solid elements here. The multi character system is fun, the crafting system, while basic, is an interesting wrinkle. There are some solid puzzles, while it manages to have an element of survival horror to its dinosaur fights (and the pause menu sting too). And the graphics are pretty nice.

But it has big flaws. The sections where you play as Kong are tedious. The mini flashes of stealth gameplay that can have Ann be recaptured if you fail, forcing you to trek back across the map to get her, are a pain. And navigation generally is not great. The game is bad at telling you where to go in both a micro sense (with hard to navigate levels) and a macro sense, (with its world map that is not particularly helpful). The creatures that infinitely spawn behind bits of scenery can do one too.