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Time Played

4h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 21, 2024

First played

February 20, 2024

Platforms Played


This VN released February 20 on Steam.

A kinetic novel of the Nukige (lewd-focused) Slice of Life genre, it tries to present multiple themes and the first few lines start out really strong in trying to establish its characters, but eventually falls rather flat after immediately contradicting the very thing both characters hate doing: doing the nasty deed.

E-5, the latest prototype from Erect Electronics' lineup of glorified mechanized blow-up dolls escapes from the lab she belongs as she absolutely disliked her intended purpose.

Our protagonist, Hajime 'Daigoro' Honda, meanwhile was a former ace host who wooed many women thanks to his good looks which he isn't afraid to flaunt, or rather, was, until a good turn had gone bad and he could barely afford his living expenses.

Thanks to a few contrivances, both characters meet on horrible terms and enter a contract, where it seems outlined both will simply have to live with each other platonically. But the contract requires a kiss, and given the genre of the VN, it doesn't take too long for things to escalate.

The themes it attempts to tackle are ultimately very weak. You'd think that a story with the name Ego's Spark would discuss how they arrived at that anomalous self-identity. In this case however, the Ego was already budding at that point which in turn caused the heroine to escape the lab in the first place, and instead grows as she goes onwards with her cohabitation with the protagonist.

The good thing about the story is that the heroine has an acerbic wit. The art is also not bad, and Kiba Satoshi once again delivers (and is my reason for grabbing this game ngl). Everything else is unfortunately middling, and there isn't much to glean from the story except some feels, and perhaps some pointers on how to write an understanding heroine protagonist while trying to also simultaneously make them almost sadistically abusive with their language.

Basically, the story can't make up its mind on whether it wants to be fluffy slice of life, nukige, or nakige.

It's not something I would recommend other people not already familiar with visual novels to play.