Imagine you’re a ph.d student. You take some previously set foundations and form a thesis on it, and you’re a believer. You believe it so hard, in fact, that you start getting ahead of yourself and detailing all the different applications your theory can have. You’re making it bigger, and bigger, and bigger… until you suddenly realize half way through that the theory is bullshit. Panic starts to set in; you already have months of effort put into all the ancillary shit cuz you got ahead of yourself, and the deadline’s approaching. What do you do? You double down on those things by making the world even larger and some of the designs cooler (emphasis on “some”) in the hopes that you didn’t work off of a bad idea. Unfortunately, none of those things promised salvaging what was becoming a shit game.

What happens at the end of this story? You toss the project to your much more competent older brother and have him try to make it work in 5 weeks time. The end result is Devil May Cry 2. Not the worst game I’ve ever played, but a poor product of misconceived priorities

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2023
