😈😈😈The perfect video game for a maniacal psychology major such as myself 😈😈😈. Sigmund freud's theory of personality and carl jung archetypes in MY turnbased video game 😈😈😈a truly spectacular sight to behold..........................😈

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024


The game's inspired by mr jung? Worth checking out, I was disappointed by how some persona games portrayed it. Is it portrayed poorly, good, or just loosely based off archetypes?

3 days ago

@AntitoxinZero Can’t remember because i played it years ago but it as a whole xenogears borrows aspects of the teachings but puts its own creative twist on them. I thought it was entertaining but i wouldn't play it expecting realistic 1:1 depictions of any of the teachings to be honest
got it, thats really what i was looking for