Another game to add to the pile of ever growing list of games that are highly beloved, yet I don't feel the same way towards.

Psychonauts has a lot of really cool ideas, but it's bogged down by so many things that make it an average game.

The game can be fun, but it's also really boring at times. The levels can be really fun, but some levels are also boring. Levels have really cool parts to it only to have certain elements that are beyond questionable.

The leveling system is pointless and I can say the same to the game being a collectathon which outright levelgates you if you're not a higher level. And the final level of the game is one of the worst final levels I've ever had this misfortune of playing.

In the end, Psychonauts is a giant mixed bag of cool things and poorly executed things.

Reviewed on May 14, 2022
