49 Reviews liked by Trhyskii

this game sucked so much ass that it makes me physically sick to think about

I used to love it, but over time, the more you think about and learn about this game, the worse it gets. From detrimental damage to a visual novel's reputation, both for readers and developers, to stealing almost all the ideas from Totono and ripping them off poorly, Short, lazy writing with very shallow characters and endless other issues. It has a consistent story with a great ending, but it's really hard not to hate.

'i hate writing and making danganronpa games' my brother in christ YOU MADE THE 60hr+ SEQUEL

Pretty fun cast and decent trials. But unfortunately, it has one of the worst endings in fiction. The ending not only ruins its own story but also previous entries in the series. The ending is an insult to fans of the series,to mystery fans, and even just to the mystery genre and writing in general. It was a horrendous ending for an otherwise good series. That left it feeling like a complete and utter waste of time. Anyone who does like it, hasn't seen any other form of mystery entertainment.