49 Reviews liked by Trhyskii

Stupid fucking game devs insulting the fans

The most fun and best FPS I've ever played and It's not even finished.

Grisaia is a fantastic visual novel that well earned the positive reputation it has. It has an incredible cast of characters, deep and personal stories, and more. Grisaia, will always go down as defining serius within the visual novel medium for all of its achievements.

Route Ratings:
Silent sky: 7.5/10
Cry Sky: 6/10
Nanami: 5/10
Yua: 2/10
Ayase: 7/10
Kouzupii: 7.5/10
Sena: 8.5/10
Rimi: 8.5/10
True: 7/10

Death Note the Visual Novel but for weaboos

this game isn't real, it can fuck off.

why should I get punished because the rest of the fanbase are a bunch of spergs.

This review contains spoilers

The game is good until the fifth chapter.
After that, they threw the whole game development and characters away.

The fact that the Ultimate Hunt, Shuichi and Kaede's backstories, all the other characters' backgrounds, etc were worthless made almost everyone interested in the lore waste time, just because of a "criticism" to the fanbase, with that entire "it's all a lie" plot.

One of the few VNs that is consistently fun, has semi-decent pacing and constantly surprises you with its twists and tension. It felt like it was 10 years ago when I watched Death Note again. The main character and main heroine are fairly unique. The OST is amazing and I never want to be jaded enough to not be able to enjoy "bullshit, but the fun kind" media. Drops the ball in the final act for the most part and sometimes has amateur-level writing, but has a good, emotional ending. The art is mediocre though sadly

Only played the mayuri (true) route.
I liked the characters but overall found it pretty boring, mostly because it lacked any depth, and I hated the ending.
I'm a big fan of yuri, but I can't say I enjoyed this.
I will try the sequel, as it's better received.

Reflecting on this story, I come to find that no words can truly paint everything i felt and experienced through these characters, who despite being fiction, felt very human and real. My time reading through this will be remembered forever.

key + 07.
How can you go wrong?
Short, simple, but effective. A fun read. You'll only hate it if you go into it trying to, as it's not groundbreaking; it's just a solid story with pretty artwork throughout.
The negatives for me are that it feels restricted with sprites and the music is generic for the most part, but thankfully it usually gets better when it counts.