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A bizarre game that I think even its biggest fans will admit is incredibly rough around the edges and utterly bewildering at times. In spite of that, however, there's still plenty of fun to be had with it, and it actually manages to achieve many of its rather ambitious ideas. I think it's one of those games that, for a lot of people, you'll be incredibly overwhelmed at first and maybe even dissuaded entirely from playing any further than the opening mission. However (if you aren't turned off immediately by it), you'll find yourself returning to it more and more, fueled both by a morbid desire to try and understand what you're playing, as well as an unexpected, genuine enjoyment of the gameplay itself. At some point during this, the game will suddenly just click with you, and it is that moment that gives this game the avid cult following that it has.

Regardless of whether you like or enjoy it, it's hard to deny that there's nothing quite like E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy. (Funnily enough, the only comparison I can really think of that feels accurate in every way would be Cruelty Squad lol.) It's a game that, once you've played enough of it, will stick with you forever, if you're anything like me. You'll look back on it from time to time, whenever you're reminded of it, and either think "damn, that game was insane. I loved that," or you'll think "damn, that game was insane. what the fuck even was that".

tbh tho, you'll probably think both of those at the same time