Another GamePass win. I just finished a long 180 hour RPG and was looking for some action, and boy did I find it in Hi-Fi Rush.

Dripping with style and fantastic art, this action rhythm game is a unique blend that works extremely well. They do a good job of drip-feeding you the next power without overwhelming you.

It wasn't until near the end that it all came together for me, and the last 2-3 levels were an incredible joy. I felt so powerful and truly felt like I was playing a rhythm game as much as an action game.

There are all sorts of post-game ways to play, but for me there are too many games out there and GamePass allows me to play and beat a game without feeling guilty for not completely exhausting it. I enjoyed my ~10-12 hours here, and am happy to move on to the next adventure.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024
