Other than some of the problematic elements that don’t hold up today, Gun managed to surpass my expectations in just about every way.

This was a proto Red Dead Redemption, and it created so many of the staples that the Red Dead series would inevitably adopt. The gun play is exhilarating, and I loved that I was able to continuously upgrade my weapons. Every side mission was consistently entertaining, and it rarely became boring because each one was almost entirely unique.

The weapon selection is also fantastic! I loved how many weapons I had to chose from. It made the combat great all throughout. Especially since you receive new weapons as you go along.

The open world may be kind of weak for today’s standards… but this is the first western video game that comes to mind that actually included one… and it’s actually really good! There’s so many little details I could gush about, but to save time, I’ll move onto the story.

The story plays out cinematically, and it’s larger than life in many ways or even over the top. This was never something that bothered me. In fact, I think for a video game, it works perfect. The set pieces in game are awesome, and make for really cool level design most of the time. The bosses are challenging, but not in a way that makes you want to stop playing or anything.

While I was usually able to predict things, I particularly liked the story here. It’s probably some of the best storytelling I’ve seen so far from this era of gaming, but that could just be because of my lack of experience so far. I thought Colton was a great protagonist, and I liked his backstory and lineage.

Overall, there are many memorable moments in Gun, and because of its superb gameplay and well executed storytelling… it’s a game I can definitely see myself revisiting in the future!

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2022
