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Okay, so I’m newish to the world of video games. I started retro gaming/collecting about a year ago and this was the game that convinced me to do so.

The PS2 was probably not the greatest console to play a game like Max Payne on. But despite some of the clunky gameplay... this game is still responsible for getting me the world of gaming to begin with; and that says a lot to how good it is.

The music in this game is phenomenal. It’s simple. It’s gritty. It’s seeps with noir. It certainly sets the tone for the badass adventure you’re taking.

The story is pretty simple, a bit cliché at times, but still very engaging and entertaining non-the-less.

The bullet time is fantastic. Without the bullet time, this game would not be as memorable. The game is certainly iconic without it, but Max Payne likely wouldn’t have the legacy it has today without its bullet time.

The use of Pain pills is a nice way to regenerate health. I was always on the hunt.

The different environments kept the game interesting. I really loved being in the snowy city. So many great implementations of a gritty atmosphere.

I could go on and on about why I personally loved this game. But it isn’t perfect. Maybe it’s just the hardware, but god this game can be frustrating to play at times. Despite some of the technical limitations, I liked the challenge.

I will say that the story gets a little hokey at the end and a bit too cheesy and preposterous for its own good. For a game so grounded in its gritty tongue-in-cheek reality, it was bit hard to buy into the whole corporate conspiracy aspect of the game.

Regardless, it remained tonally consistent for the most part and it was a total blast.
(Also, the nightmare sequences were both infuriating and awesome).

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2021

1 Comment

1 year ago

My favorite game of all time getting the love it deserves! I'm over joyed to see yet another being absorbed into the hobby I love, and because of Payne no less. I was curious what turned you onto the game? Also I super recommend playing the game again through pretty much any other version to play an even smoother version of this classic. The PC version is a Valkyre induced nightmare of its own to get running but I can link a guide if that's what your option is. The Xbox version is pretty good as well, and runs on both 360 and One. The latter is quite smooth and preferred along with the PS4 version. Don't forget the sequels either!