Well at least it's better than the reboot.

Though that's not saying much.

The story has some fine emotional moments but it gets hard to get behind Rivet and Kit's relationship when they spend probably less than a tenth of the game together, and the game takes no real opportunity to make Rivet in late game feel worse to play on purpose to emphasize how much they need each other or shit like that.

The gameplay in general lacks basic RaC movement tools like anything Clank related outside of the glide which has no use in this game because the platforming and movement is designed around not having Clank for some reason. The camera is way too zoomed in so you will regularly get hit from off screen with no real audio cue to help parse with all the chaos going on.

The RaC 2016 curse of enemy attacks that are on screen being hard to notice is also back much to my dismay.

And I still hate the Pixarfication of RaC and it's honestly worse here than its ever been, especially with hopping on the multi-verse train that is in no way overplayed and cliche'd to do now. And the clear disregard for anything pre-Tools is actually ridiculous now like the first game has actually been retconned and the Reboot is basically half-canon now I hate that so much.

I don't even hate this game really I had fun, the best feeling post Tools game to date. And the lack of the arbitrary "grind 100 things" parts isn't in this game which I really like please never do that again it sucks.

But these games used to have so much charm and personality back when I was growing up and now that's gone so I have no idea who current RaC is for. It's awful to feel this way about a game series I've loved for so long.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023

1 Comment

13 days ago

The slow devolution of this series personality needs to be studied. I don't like describing games (or any media) this way, but this story and writing makes it feel like a baby game; egregiously sanitized and condescending throughout, to the point where the writing for characters like Rivet contradict themselves from what they're supposed to be (too focused on making it suitable for children that Rivet's loner mentality is shatter in level 2 when she's being chummy with these dumb-ass minion knock offs)