Sunsoft made two Beauty and the Beast games for the Sega Genesis and, somehow, the game where Belle slowly walks through some mazes and awkwardly ducks to avoid bats and small birds is a better Beauty and the Beast game than the one where you control the Beast and fight through crowds of wolves and villagers.

"How did they do it?" I'm glad you asked! All they had to do was make the Beast control like shit (he can't even run!) and for all of his attacks to have really wonky, small hitboxes after a very long wind-up. Get used to seeing that random bear in the castle dining hall because it's going to be a major roadblock in your adventure.

Also this game has the sheer audacity to do the Lost Levels thing by having poison food floating around the levels - I think the manual refers to it as "deadly nightshade" - only the poison food also has the same color palette as the first level, making it nearly invisible on most TV displays. For the first ten minutes of this game I literally did not know why I was taking damage during a very specific jump and thought the game was bugged. Nah, it was just nearly invisible poison food floating near the top of the screen. You know, that very famous scene from the Disney movie.

However, while this game is, as they say on the Internet, "very bad", it's at least very entertaining. I finished this game just because I wanted to see what stupid thing it was going to do next and honestly, that's more than I can say about some titles. I wish the Sunsoft Beauty and the Beast games were more well-known in bad video game circles because they're the true cream of the crap. Bubsy has nothing on Disney's The Beast getting his entire day ruined by this random asshole bear hanging out in his dining room. These games deserved a better fate than complete obscurity.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2021
