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TurtleSlayer is now playing After Us

3 days ago

TurtleSlayer is now playing Pikmin 4

3 days ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

TurtleSlayer reviewed Spyro: Year of the Dragon
The Best Spyro game in my opinion as someone who hasn't played the original.
- The world's are well designed like in spyro 1
- The mini-games are better than in Spyro 2 which makes collecting the eggs less of a chore and a more fun experience
- Playing as the other characters helps keeping the game fresh and is more fun than what most people are saying

3 days ago

TurtleSlayer commented on Acquiescence's review of Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
Tanks for putting my thoughts into words!

3 days ago

TurtleSlayer commented on Acquiescence's review of Spyro the Dragon
Don't forget to collect 50 orbs in Spyro 2 or it's possible you end up having to do every stage a second time.

By the way you have great taste in video games.

3 days ago

TurtleSlayer commented on Rowl_'s list This game would be perfect if
Super Mario bros wonder: If there was more unique bosses instead of Bowser jr every time.

6 days ago

TurtleSlayer earned the Replay '14 badge

6 days ago

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