I enjoyed myself a lot playing this game. The music in it is very well made, and the art is incredibly good. Thing is, though, that while it passes as a metroidvania, the game is incredibly easy. And a lot of the orbs are just objectively worse than the others even if you get them later on in the game, so you'll more than likely just stick to what you get earlier which makes getting new options feel irrelevant. The story isn't anything TOO incredible, but it does it's job well, and I think that a time-controlling tribe is a pretty unique concept that fit well into the world of the game. You also start out-scaling most enemies pretty quickly, so not only do you kill them way easier, but you can stop time for a pretty long amount of time, ontop of the game being easy in the first place. After you figure out the movement and controls, and then get used to them, the game's difficulty basically vanishes. Despite that, it's a pretty fun short & sweet game, and I enjoyed playing through it once more via local co-op, even if I was forced to play as a weak minion.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
