If you’re willing to look past it’s irritating rough edges, you’ll be rewarded with one of the most thorough RPG experiences to come out in years. Such an incredibly open ended amount of options when it comes to party composition and individual build diversity, a turn based combat model with the depth of a tactics games, a world reactive to your decisions in ways that floored me, really making me want to go back and reassess how I judge other RPGs, and writing so smart, so thoughtful, factions are fleshed out to the point where I spent the last couple hours of the game struggling to decide who I was going to side with. And man, the Reagan cult, this game understands the American myth like few others.

I tend to have mixed taste in turn based RPGs but this one hooked me completely. Really helped fill the void left by Fallout.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2022


1 year ago

How is it on console. I tried Wasteland 2 on PS4 and the text was so unbearably small I thought it was unplayable.
@Fallengrace Text was never an issue for me. The controls could sometimes be a bit unintuitive though. I got in the habit of saving before every encounter because a lot of times when I was cycling through my units trying to position them, I’d accidentally select them all, have them run out in the open and ruin everything. It’s playable, enough so for me to rate it as highly as I did, but the PC version is probably still optimal if it’s an option.

1 year ago

Not with my pc it isn't lol. Thanks for the info.

1 year ago

A friend was playing on playstation and showed me the font size so I grabbed the collection with DLC in a sale. Will be a long time before I play it though...