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I was originally blown away when I first started playing, beautiful 2.5D graphics, incredible music, and an interesting premise of a plot.

But then after playing for a while the faults made themselves more and more clear. In the main plot, you’re just a bystander for the most part. Occasionally an actual important character will say something to the effect of “Hmm, you’re very interesting, I want to what you’ll do.” But other than that the player has little relevance to the plot.

As for the plot itself, it’s either poorly written or poorly translated. One quest line had constant plot twists just for the sake of having constant plot twists, and instead of making the characters these twists revolve around seem interesting, it just came off as convoluted and boring.

Character quests aren’t much better. I didn’t do all of them, but most of the ones I did do boiled down to: “Help me talk to this person I just met so we can fall in love and get married.”

Combat is… fine, and the the music is still great, but you can just play their Bravely Default series instead.