FromSoftware's games are know for their difficulty and Sekiro is taken by most as the hardest. Difficulty is something really subjective and there are games you can say are unfair. Maybe they give you an objective and not enough resources, they may ask for precision in your gameplay but not the best tools for that.

When I played this game for the first time, sometimes I thought things like "I will never get past this". When this happened in other games I would try to find a way to cheese the fight or drop the game altogether. It's a skill issue but most of those times I could not figure out the answer. Maybe my build is bad, maybe I'm underleveled or I just don't know how to respond to something.

But in Sekiro I always knew what I was doing wrong. I never could put the blame on the game so I had to look inwards. Grind for exp can only help for some extent, the game doesn’t have different builds and only one weapon so the only answer is to get good.

“Git gud” is something the soulslike players usually say when they want to troll or they don’t have a answer to your problem, just keep banging your head in the wall until it works. But Sekiro takes this to the purest form, there’s no magic answer, you can exploit some tools but you won’t win using only that. You have your sword and your parry, learn how to use it.

It’s like a drug, the first time you fight a boss it’s a thrill to learn the patterns, figure the timing and even if you have everything memorized, it still feels good. Few games I got the urge to be good at it and really pursuit it. Beating the final boss on NG+3 charmless and with the demon bell was something I will never forget. I beat that same boss 2 times before, but I was sloppy, I stumbled my way through victory. Now one error and I was dead, I had to be perfect.

“Hesitation is defeat” is a mantra that encapsules everything Sekiro is. The game is hard but they gave you the tools and the answer, if you strive to understand your errors and keep pushing forward you can do anything.

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2024
