This game is really not polished and some levels are a bit meh-ugh (looking at you factory) but idk nothing really beats the feeling of dashing and slashing through this one. I could play MMZ all day and still not get bored, it's just really nice to play through every once and a while (especially with how short it is). I think this is the Zero game that fulfills that urge the most for me, which makes it, despite all of its flaws, the best to play in my personal opinion. Objectively though, I do feel like Z2 or Z3 will be a better experience for most people.

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Interesting take. I remember when this game clicked for me as well and I thought the bosses were the best thing ever. Especially when fights like Herculious Anchus and Copy X are extremely fun once the rhythm of fight is finally realized. I even thought it was my favorite Zero when I played through Zero 2 and 3 for the first time.