In a world where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano exists, my favourite Jedi has firmly became Cal Kestis
I think it's astounding how much the game industry has improved in balancing incredible narratives with engaging gameplay mechanics and also synching them up so you feel more in harmony with your protagonist then ever.
In Fallen Order, Cal Kestis was a traumatised Padawan trying to find his way back to the warm embrace of the Force. In Survivor, Cal Kestis is a seasoned warrior with a reputation of his own, his skillset and mind for the Good FIght intact. Maybe too single minded on the "fight" part but Survivor's narrative does and excellent, and I can't stress this enough, EXCELLENT job of interrogating the Jedi path known to Cal as an excuse to confront an indomitable enemy through three key antagonists, while also teaching Cal the means of fighting this Good Fight and also maintain a healthy mindset.
There is just no regression here in any capacity, neither in storytelling, nor in gameplay. We do not lose any abilities, if so they are repurposed. The world is built to accommodate the player's and Cal's skills both old and new. It provides answers to old frustrations, while also giving way to natural curiosity and building on the rock-solid fundamentals Fallen Order has put down. It is simply humbling how much of a passion project the Jedi franchise feels after this second entry, made all the more impressive by the unfortunate, but ever present, technical state of the series. It is sad to see stuttering, low fps, glitches and crashes sour the experience time and time again. It is a testament to the talent of Respawn entertainment and Stig Asmussen however then, that Jedi: Survivor is an incredible experience all around despite it's technical shortcomings.

Reviewed on May 01, 2024
