This game is comprised a lot of stuff that really sucks. The premise is worse than the first games, it fails at having a depressing tone like the original, and the humor and gameplay are both much, much worse. Not to mention that the pacing drones and wastes your time extremely often-- this game is 20 hours longer than the first for no good reason. Ultimately, though, I gave it a 5. The redeeming factors are the characters, who overall better than DR1's stereotypes (although some are incredibly worse, still being stereotypical and unlikable) and a select few cases (2-2 and 2-6) where the game really felt like a standout sequel and not: "We remade Danganronpa 1-- but this time it sucks!"

Though the game ends on a extremely high note, it falters far too much for me to call it anything that isn't mixed.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2022


Why did you mention 2-2 which sucks and not 2-5 which is the best trial in the series

2 years ago

2-2 actually has something to do with a plot point (school memories) in the previous game and expands on it for a genuinely intriguing mystery. Only a sequel could have that kind of plot point to that effect and it sells it.
2-5 has a lot of unfunny nonsense in the dialogue, (more than the game usually does, which says something) and it otherwise isn't the climatic trial it should be aside from the very end of it. Not enough interesting is done with the journey, and it seems more of a means to an end result to me. It could be a lot better.