Still peak gaming what can be said?

Okay but to actually talk about the game in general it's one of the most welcoming and rewarding hack-and-slashes I've ever played. The game is absolutely brutal and does not hold back with how unforgiving it is. Despite this, I never once found the game to be unfair or archaic in it's design. This is complemented by the fact that unlike most hack and slashes you are not punished for using the same moves. The game encourages you to experiment with button combos and to try different things, never once did I feel demoralized when I wasn't doing well at the game.

Additionally there are tons of options and playstyles for how you can play the game, you get stuff like a katana, a shotgun, a whip, and even ice skates are all different ways you can use to kill. This is complemented on top of a bunch of well-designed bosses and enemies, some of which are absolutely giant, that you feel encouraged to try different techniques on, outside the box thinking is this game's memo and where it shines the most.

In terms of the story, characters, and writing, the game is incredibly quirky and charming and has a wonderful cast of characters. From the stone cold bartender Rodin who is just the coolest, to the lovable goofball Luka Redgrave, or even the adorable Cereza (Who I won't get into here because of spoilers) there's plenty to love with the game's cast. Additionally, the game has plenty of goofy and over-the-top memorable moments that'll get you jumping out of your seat. The story is very complicated and might be hard to understand as it's an amnesia tale, but once you get the general gist of it you'll find a pretty engaging narrative overall.

All-in-All, Bayonetta is one of the hack-and-slash greats of our generation, and one that I can wholeheartedly recommend to just about anyone who wants an entry point into the genre. Great for first-timers and for seasoned players.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2022
