I don't really have a shit-ton to say about Pikmin 4, it's just more of the strategic and satisfying goodness that these games are known for. The stages and their designs are all pretty good (except for the last one that I just didn't enjoy for whatever reason) and the return of caves was really well done as well. Night missions weren't that fun but you're only required to do four to beat the game, so they aren't egregious either. Oatchi makes things a little bit too easy, to the point where I didn't ever really find myself getting off of his back unless I absolutely had to, but I don't think this ease makes the game much worse, if anything it makes it more accesible for people getting into the series which is absolutely fine by me. Dandori battles and challenges are really fun and can actually get really challenging towards the end of the game which is great. My biggest complaint here would be the story and characters, they just aren't nearly as interesting as the other games in the series. None of the rescue crew have distinct personalities that make them stand out like Olimar, Louie, or any of the characters from 3 do which is slightly disappointing see how much I love all those characters' writing. And the plot reason for the game happening being to save Olimar and other castaways stuck on the planet is fine enough, but there's not a sense of urgency seeing as they're all still alive just as Pikmin-people hybrids that seem to be doing just fine. Overall these aren't big complaints and the game is still really good despite them, I just wish they were a little better. Overall though, Pikmin 4 is a fine addition to this legendary and underrated series and one that I'm happy has done decently well for itself. Here's to a future with many more great Pikmin games and this series finally getting the love it deserves!

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
