Old World Blues really encapsulates Obsidan’s, and especially Chris Avellone’s, lack of restraint. I don’t mind that the opening is 15 minutes of a dialogue. What I do mind, however, is that the rest of the content is 40 more minutes of dialogue padded with a few hours worth of unnecessary fetch quests, bullet sponges, and a boring map.

Many people love the writing and humour in OWB. Personally, I think it’s just okay. It would’ve been more effective if the content itself was more tuned.

Behind the horrible gameplay and quirky humour is the age of old question: has science gone too far? Specifically, where do we draw the line on scientific progress. The backset to this is, ironically, a bombed out mountain where scientists (well, their brains) have been fighting for 200 years in stalemate.

Unfortunately, the theme becomes fairly muddied in between the humour, drawn out dialogue, and horrid quests.

Like Dead Money, Old World Blues would’ve been better served with minimal combat and a more refined map.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
