This game is basically split in two, gameplay-wise. There's an rts part, where you play as a dragon with a jetpack commanding your troops on the field, and a politics part, where you decide policy issues for the new government you're making which effect both the rts game as well as your relationships with each of the fantasy race's representatives. The rts part's just okay, it's a little janky, even. The politics part is more compelling, as the character writing's pretty good. While the representatives are basically just caricatures of political ideologies (the elf's an environmentalist, the dwarf's a capitalist, etc.), they're pretty dang funny caricatures. Accurate even, I dare say. Your officers are also pretty well developed, and I loved hearing what they had to say. I especially loved Scarlett. She's great! Also unexpectedly pretty good queer representation, how 'bout that?

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2022
